5 At Home Holiday Date Ideas

1. Gingerbread House Making Contest!

This can be a date for just you two or you can invite family and friends. Ross and I did this with my sisters last year and it was so much fun! After we were done we sent photos of our gingerbread houses to some family members and asked them to vote!

2. Make a fort & watch a holiday movie with your favorite fall/ winter snack!

Some of you might be saying that you haven’t made a fort since you were a kid but trust me on this when I say that it’s still so much fun! Ross and I tried this as a home date night during quarantine last year. We made a fort that covered half our living room, turned on a movie and of course made our favorite snack: a charcuterie board! Just writing this one is making me want to plan another date like this with some hot coffee or tea and some holiday snacks!

3. Coffee Tasting!!

This can also be a hot chocolate tasting date. I just love coffee so much that I would pick coffee over hot chocolate. I would make little cups of coffee so I don’t overload on caffeine! Whether it’s coffee or hot chocolate you guys can go out and grab all the flavors that sound amazing! If you go with coffee you can also grab a few holiday themed creamers, like peppermint. Then you guys can make the drinks and tasting board together, turn on your favorite holiday playlist (or movie) and enjoy the date!

4. Bake Off!

Challenge your partner to a bake off! Go on Pinterest and both find a recipe that you will give to your partner to bake. Turn on some holiday music, make the shopping list, grab the ingredients and then start the bake off!

5. Ugly Sweater Making Date!

Remember when we used to make tie-dye shirts as kids?! I have so many fun memories of making these with my sisters and friends so why not put a holiday spin to it and make ugly sweaters! You guys can go out and get some plain white sweaters or jackets and any materials that you think would be cool or funny to add to your sweater. Then head home and start creating your masterpieces!