3 Things I learned in my first year of business

Find a client management system that works for you!

I use HoneyBook as my client management service and I honestly don’t know what I would do without it. Being able to send and manage emails, questionnaires, contracts, and invoices all in one place makes life easier for both myself and my clients! Use my code NATASHADABOUB to get 50% off your first year of HoneyBook!

Photograph what you want to be booked for!

When I first started my business, I wanted to photograph couples, but I was mostly getting inquires for family sessions. As I would post photos from those sessions to Instagram, I started getting booked for even more family sessions. What I did to get past that roadblock was find some model couples and offer them a free session, in order to build my portfolio. Once I had a few of these sessions, I started posting photos of only couple’s session to my instagram and website. Within a few weeks I started to get inquiries about engagements and weddings! 

Build a community!

One of the best parts of this job is all of the amazing photographer friends I’ve made along the way. I highly recommend reaching out to fellow togs in your area to plan a fun shoot together or attend a styled shoot so you can meet some photography peers. I don’t know where my business would be without these amazing creatives that I’m lucky to call friends! Having a community has personally helped keep me motivated and inspired throughout my journey. Photography can sometimes be a quiet job with all the editing involved, so having a group of photographers to talk and relate to is amazing!