End of Year Photography Cleaning List

Last week I spent the day cleaning & organizing my office. I made sure to make it as relaxing as possible. I put on my sunset lamp, grabbed my favorite tea and played my favorite spotify playlist. I honestly feel so much better after doing this!

Here is a list of a few things I did to help me prepare for my wedding photography business in 2023:

Organized my office drawers & paperwork

I made a separate drawer for my hard drives, all my chargers, for all business papers/ tax information and then for all my camera gear

Created an editing calendar for 2023

There were more than a few times this year when I got overwhelmed with the amount of editing I had. Saying that, I created an editing timeline for 2023. I’m breaking it down to where I pick a category to edit each work day. For example, on December 28th I’ll be editing bride getting ready photos and on December 29th I’ll be editing groom getting ready photos. I also added when sneak peeks are due for each session/ wedding. This way I can stay on track and know exactly when a gallery will be fully complete and ready to send off! 

Brought out my 2023 planner

Made sure the 2023 planner has all my current booked sessions & weddings.

Cleaned my keyboard, mouse and computer screen. 

Cleaned my desk & reorganized it.

Got new notebooks for the New Year 

The notebooks I bought & the notebook holder I bought. Last year I would misplace my notebooks all the time so I got a notebook holder to have them all in one place.

Created a work schedule for 2023 

I love working from home, however, it can sometimes be hard if you don’t give yourself a work schedule. I created a work schedule for the days I don’t have sessions and I printed it out and taped it above my drawers. This way I can see what time I should “clock in” and when I should check emails, edit, take a break, go outside, etc.